Title: | Design and Analysis of Mixture Experiments |
Description: | Functions for creating designs for mixture experiments, making ternary contour plots, and making mixture effect plots. |
Authors: | John Lawson [aut, cre], Cameron Willden [aut], Greg Piepel [ctb] |
Maintainer: | John Lawson <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | |
Built: | 2025-02-21 03:44:22 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/mixexp |
The mixexp package provides functions for creating mixture experiment designs in an unconstrained simplex or constrained mixture space. Functions are also provided for making ternary contour plots, pictures of constrained regions, design points, and mixture effect plots.
Package: | mixexp |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 1.2-1 |
Date: | 2011-05-31 |
License: | GPL2.0 |
Dependencies: gdata, lattice, grid | |
LazyLoad: | yes |
Packaged: | 2011-05-31 19:54:07 UTC; Lawson |
Built: | R 2.12.1; i386-pc-mingw32; 2011-05-31 19:54:08 UTC; windows |
conmx example constraint matrix used as input to function crvtave crvtave function for creating extreme vertices designs and centroids; this function calls Eflags, Nrows, and Vertcen DesignPoints function for plotting design points and or mixture constraint in the simplex Eflags function for calling Piepel''s fortran code cnvrt to create extreme vertices designs and prints any error messages Effplot function for making mixture effect plots given a design MixturePlot function for making contour plots in simplex region given a design MixModel function for fitting mixture models to data ModelPlot function for making contour plots of an equation in an lm object created by the lm function or the MixModel function Nrows function for calling Piepel's fortran code cnvrt to create extreme vertices designs and returns the number of rows in the resulting design SCD function for creating Simplex Centroid Designs SLD function for creating Simplex Lattice Designs Vertcen function for calling Piepel's fortran code cnvrt to create extreme vertices designs and returns the resulting design Xvert function for creating extreme vertices design and centroids, this function calls crvtave
John Lawson <[email protected]> and Cameron Willden <[email protected]>
Maintainer: John Lawson <[email protected]>
1. "John Lawson, Cameron Willden (2016).", "Mixture Experiments in R Using mixexp.", "Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets, 72(2), 1-20.", "doi:10.18637/jss.v072.c02"
This is an .rda file containing a mixture-process variable experiment with 3 mixture components and one process variable. z is the coded value of RPM, and y is average Burning rate for test presure 500(psig)
An 15 x 5 data frame
Gallant, F.M., Prickett, S.E. Cesarec, M. and Bruck, H.A.(2008) Ingredients and processing effects on burning rates of composite rocket propellants utilizing a reduced-run mixture-process experiment design, Chemometrics and intellegent laboratory systems, Vol. 90, pp 49-63.
This is an .rda file containing the constraint matrix.
An 8 x 4 matrix
Piepel, G. F. (1988) Programs for Generating Extreme Vertices and Centroids of Linearly Constrained Experimental Regions, Journal of Quality Technology, Vol. 20, No. 2.
This function calls the function Vertcen which uses Piepel's (1988) fortran code (cnvrt) for generating extreme vertices and centroids of linearly constrained mixture experimental regions.
ndm |
is an integer representing the highest order of centroids requested. An overall centroid is always included, 0 indicates no other centroids will be created, 1 indicates edge centroids are requested, 2 indicates face centroids, etc. |
conmx |
This is the matrix of constraints. |
vtcn |
This is a data frame containing the extreme vertices design. The columns are labeled x1, x2 ...xn, where n is the number of mixture variables. The last column is labeled dimen and it indicates the order of centroid where 0 is an extreme vertex, 1 is an edge centroid, 2 is a face centroid, and n is the overall centroid. |
This function calls the function Eflags to get error messages from cnvrt, the function Vertcen to get the extreme vertices and centroids from cnvrt, and the function Nrows to get the number of vertices and centroids from cnvrt.
John S. Lawson [email protected]
1. Piepel, G. F. "Programs for Generating Extreme Vertices and Centroids of Linearly Constrained Experimental Regions" Journal of Quality Technology, Vol 20, No. 2, pp. 125-139, 1988.
data(conmx) crvtave(1,conmx)
data(conmx) crvtave(1,conmx)
Creates cubic terms that are used by the function MixModel when fitting model (3)
cubic(a, b)
cubic(a, b)
a |
input - vector of mixture components in a column in the data frame |
b |
input - another vector of mixture components in a column in the data frame |
vector of elementwise a^2*b-a*b^2 function of terms in the a and b vectors
John Lawson
This function plots design points and or constraints in the simplex mixture space. It calls the function MixturePlot that does the actual plotting.
DesignPoints(des = NULL,nmxcmp=3, x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL,x1lower=0,x1upper=0, x2lower=0, x2upper=0, x3lower=0,x3upper=0, cornerlabs = c("x3","x2","x1"), axislabs=c("x1","x2","x3"),pseudo=FALSE)
DesignPoints(des = NULL,nmxcmp=3, x = NULL, y = NULL, z = NULL,x1lower=0,x1upper=0, x2lower=0, x2upper=0, x3lower=0,x3upper=0, cornerlabs = c("x3","x2","x1"), axislabs=c("x1","x2","x3"),pseudo=FALSE)
des |
data frame containing x1 x2 and x3 coordinates of data points to be plotted |
nmxcmp |
interger indicating the number of mixture components in the design |
x |
vector of x3 coordinates of design points to be plotted |
y |
vector of x2 coordinates of design points to be plotted |
z |
vector of x1 coordinates of design points to be plotted |
x1lower |
lower constraint on x1 |
x1upper |
upper constraint on x1 |
x2lower |
lower constraint on x2 |
x2upper |
upper constraint on x2 |
x3lower |
lower constraint on x3 |
x3upper |
upper constraint on x3 |
axislabs |
This is a vector of text labels for the x1, x2 and x3 axis. |
cornerlabs |
This is a vector of text labels for the x1, x2 and x3 vertices. |
pseudo |
logical variable, when TRUE plot is made in pseudo component space bounded by the lower constraints of each component. |
This function calls MixturePlot. If either des and x,y,z are missing no design points will be plotted, and if x1lower, x1upper, etc. are all zero no constraints will be plotted. If there are more than 3 columns of mixture components in des, only the first 3 will be plotted ignoring the others.
John S. Lawson [email protected]
1. Piepel, G. F. "Programs for Generating Extreme Vertices and Centroids of Linearly Consrtained Experimental Regions" Journal of Quality Technology, Vol 20, No. 2, pp. 125-139, 1988.
2. "John Lawson, Cameron Willden (2016).", "Mixture Experiments in R Using mixexp.", "Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets, 72(2), 1-20.", "doi:10.18637/jss.v072.c02"
dat<-SCD(3) DesignPoints(des=dat) x1<-c(1,0,0,.5,.5, 0,.33333) x2<-c(0,1,0,.5,0,.5,.33333) x3<-c(0,0,1,0,.5,.5,.33333) DesignPoints(x=x3,y=x2,z=x1) dat<-data.frame(x1,x2,x3) DesignPoints(des=dat)
dat<-SCD(3) DesignPoints(des=dat) x1<-c(1,0,0,.5,.5, 0,.33333) x2<-c(0,1,0,.5,0,.5,.33333) x3<-c(0,0,1,0,.5,.5,.33333) DesignPoints(x=x3,y=x2,z=x1) dat<-data.frame(x1,x2,x3) DesignPoints(des=dat)
This function makes effect plots using the Cox or Piepel directions in constrained mixture space.
des |
data frame containing the design points and response data for a mixture experiment. The data frame must contain the variables x1, x2 ...xn for the mixture variables, and y for the response. n must be between 2 and 12. Only effect plots for linear models can be made when the number of factors is greater than 6. |
nfac |
The number of mixture components in the model. |
mod |
an interger representing the model to be traced: 1 for a linear model, 2 for a quadratic model, and 4 for a special cubic model. For models other than these, use the ModelEff function. |
dir |
an integer representing the direction for which the effect plot is made: 1 for Piepel direction, 2 for Cox direction. |
PX |
This is a matrix containing the coordinates of the effect plot traces that are plotted. |
This function calls the function crvtave to get the design centroid from cnvrt.
John S. Lawson [email protected]
1. Piepel, G. F. "Measuring Component Effects in Constrained Mixture Experiments" Technometrics, Vol 25, pp. 97-105, 1982.
2. "John Lawson, Cameron Willden (2016).", "Mixture Experiments in R Using mixexp.", "Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets, 72(2), 1-20.", "doi:10.18637/jss.v072.c02".
#Example from Li, Tolley, Lee(2010) response is perm x1<-c(.572,.358,.286,.286,.286,.143,.357) x2<-c(.214,.428,.500,.357,.214,.500,.500) x3<-c(.214,.214,.214,.357,.500,.357,.143) y<-c(7.7,18.4,24.2,9.8,5.9,23.0,19.4) des<-data.frame(x1,x2,x3,y) EffPlot(des,2,2) #Example from Snee, Marquart(1976) x1<-c(.1,.1,.1,.15,.1,.1,.1,.4,.35,.30,.1,.45,.45,.45,.45,.45,.259,.259,.259,.259) x2<-c(.5,.05,.5,.05,.05,.5,.05,.05,.05,.5,.5,.05,.2,.15,.25,.1,.222,.222,.222,.222) x3<-c(0,0,0,0,.1,.1,.1,.1,.1,0,.1,0,0,0,.1,.1,.05,.05,.05,.05) x4<-c(0,0,.1,.1,0,.1,.1,.1,.1,0,0,0,.1,.1,0,0,.05,.05,.05,.05) x5<-c(.1,.55,.1,.6,.55,.1,.55,.1,.1,.1,.2,.45,.1,.1,.1,.1,.244,.244,.244,.244) x6<-c(.2,.2,.2,.05,.2,.05,.05,.2,.2,.05,.05,.05,.05,.2,.05,.2,.125,.125,.125,.125) x7<-c(.05,.05,0,.05,0,0,0,.05,.05,0,.05,0,.05,0,.05,0,.025,.025,.025,.025) x8<-c(.05,.05,0,0,0,.05,.05,0,.05,.05,0,0,.05,0,0,.05,.025,.025,.025,.025) y<-c(30,113,17,94,89,18,90,20,21,15,28,48,18,7,16,19,38,30,35,40) des<-data.frame(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,y) EffPlot(des,mod=1,dir=1) # Weed control example from Lawson & Erjavec x1<-c(1,0,0,.5,.5,0,.33333,.33333,.33333) x2<-c(0,1,0,.5,0,.5,.33333,.33333,.33333) x3<-c(0,0,1,0,.5,.5,.33333,.33333,.33333) y<-c(73,68,80,77,86,75,92,93,88) des<-data.frame(x1,x2,x3,y) EffPlot(des,3) # Polvoron Example from Lawson des<-Xvert(3,uc=c(.8,.95,.50),lc=c(0,.10,.05),ndm=1,plot=FALSE) dat<-as.matrix(des) # remove the edge centroid at the top dat<-dat[c(1:6,8:11), ] # add two more centroids dat<-rbind(dat,dat[10, ],dat[10,]) # response vector y<-c(5.75,3.69,5.33,5.68,3.85,3.83,5.88,5.87,5.23,6.54,6.82,6.41) # make the data frame for plotting des<-data.frame(dat[,1:3],y) EffPlot(des,3) # Cornell's example of blending pesticides for control of mites (special cubic model) mite<-SCD(4) yavg<-c(1.8,25.4,28.6,38.5,4.9,3.1,28.7,3.4,37.4,10.7,22.0,2.6,2.4, 11.1,0.8) mite<-cbind(mite,yavg) mite2<-mite names(mite2)<-c("x1","x2","x3","x4","y") EffPlot(des=mite2,mod=4,dir=2)
#Example from Li, Tolley, Lee(2010) response is perm x1<-c(.572,.358,.286,.286,.286,.143,.357) x2<-c(.214,.428,.500,.357,.214,.500,.500) x3<-c(.214,.214,.214,.357,.500,.357,.143) y<-c(7.7,18.4,24.2,9.8,5.9,23.0,19.4) des<-data.frame(x1,x2,x3,y) EffPlot(des,2,2) #Example from Snee, Marquart(1976) x1<-c(.1,.1,.1,.15,.1,.1,.1,.4,.35,.30,.1,.45,.45,.45,.45,.45,.259,.259,.259,.259) x2<-c(.5,.05,.5,.05,.05,.5,.05,.05,.05,.5,.5,.05,.2,.15,.25,.1,.222,.222,.222,.222) x3<-c(0,0,0,0,.1,.1,.1,.1,.1,0,.1,0,0,0,.1,.1,.05,.05,.05,.05) x4<-c(0,0,.1,.1,0,.1,.1,.1,.1,0,0,0,.1,.1,0,0,.05,.05,.05,.05) x5<-c(.1,.55,.1,.6,.55,.1,.55,.1,.1,.1,.2,.45,.1,.1,.1,.1,.244,.244,.244,.244) x6<-c(.2,.2,.2,.05,.2,.05,.05,.2,.2,.05,.05,.05,.05,.2,.05,.2,.125,.125,.125,.125) x7<-c(.05,.05,0,.05,0,0,0,.05,.05,0,.05,0,.05,0,.05,0,.025,.025,.025,.025) x8<-c(.05,.05,0,0,0,.05,.05,0,.05,.05,0,0,.05,0,0,.05,.025,.025,.025,.025) y<-c(30,113,17,94,89,18,90,20,21,15,28,48,18,7,16,19,38,30,35,40) des<-data.frame(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,y) EffPlot(des,mod=1,dir=1) # Weed control example from Lawson & Erjavec x1<-c(1,0,0,.5,.5,0,.33333,.33333,.33333) x2<-c(0,1,0,.5,0,.5,.33333,.33333,.33333) x3<-c(0,0,1,0,.5,.5,.33333,.33333,.33333) y<-c(73,68,80,77,86,75,92,93,88) des<-data.frame(x1,x2,x3,y) EffPlot(des,3) # Polvoron Example from Lawson des<-Xvert(3,uc=c(.8,.95,.50),lc=c(0,.10,.05),ndm=1,plot=FALSE) dat<-as.matrix(des) # remove the edge centroid at the top dat<-dat[c(1:6,8:11), ] # add two more centroids dat<-rbind(dat,dat[10, ],dat[10,]) # response vector y<-c(5.75,3.69,5.33,5.68,3.85,3.83,5.88,5.87,5.23,6.54,6.82,6.41) # make the data frame for plotting des<-data.frame(dat[,1:3],y) EffPlot(des,3) # Cornell's example of blending pesticides for control of mites (special cubic model) mite<-SCD(4) yavg<-c(1.8,25.4,28.6,38.5,4.9,3.1,28.7,3.4,37.4,10.7,22.0,2.6,2.4, 11.1,0.8) mite<-cbind(mite,yavg) mite2<-mite names(mite2)<-c("x1","x2","x3","x4","y") EffPlot(des=mite2,mod=4,dir=2)
This function loads and runs the compiled fortran code cnvrt and prints error messages. cnvrt is Piepel's 1988 JQT fortran code for extreme vertices designs.
ndm |
This is the order of centroids desired (0=none, 1=edge centroids, 2=face centroids etc.) |
nvrr |
This is the number of mixture variables ( maximum is 12) |
ncon2 |
This is the number of constraints (maximum is 45) |
rtheta2 |
This is the constraint matrix stored as a vector of columns. |
ifa |
This is the vector of error flags. A negative value for flag 1 indicates that there are inconsistent constraints. A negative value for flag2 indicates there are two many vertices and centroids, this program only works when # vertices + # centroids <=1000. A negative value for flag 3 indicates an error encountered when calling subroutine allnr. |
This function is called by the function crtave.
John S. Lawson [email protected]
1. Piepel, G. F. "Programs for Generating Extreme Vertices and Centroids of Linearly Consrtained Experimental Regions" Journal of Quality Technology, Vol 20, No. 2, pp. 125-139, 1988.
This is an .rda file containing a mixture experiment with 3 mixture components. The mixture components are x1, x2, and x3. The response is erate.
An 14 x 4 data frame
Myers, R. H. and Montgomery D. C. (2002) Response Surface Methodology - Product and Process Optimization Using Designed Experiments John Wiley and Sons, New York.
This function creates interior points in a mixture design by averaging all possible pairs of design points. It duplicates SAS macro adxfill.
nfac |
an integer representing the number of mixture variables in the design |
des |
a data frame containing a mixture design created by one of the functions SLD, SCD or Xvert |
John S. Lawson [email protected]
# Example 1 fills interior of Simplex Lattice Design des<-SLD(3,3) DesignPoints(des) des2<-Fillv(3,des) DesignPoints(des2) # Example 2 fills interior of Simplex Centroid Design des<-SCD(4) Fillv(4,des) # Example 3 fills interior of Extreme vertices design ev<-Xvert(3,uc=c(.1,.1,1.0),lc=c(0,0,0),ndm=1) ev2<-Fillv(3,ev)
# Example 1 fills interior of Simplex Lattice Design des<-SLD(3,3) DesignPoints(des) des2<-Fillv(3,des) DesignPoints(des2) # Example 2 fills interior of Simplex Centroid Design des<-SCD(4) Fillv(4,des) # Example 3 fills interior of Extreme vertices design ev<-Xvert(3,uc=c(.1,.1,1.0),lc=c(0,0,0),ndm=1) ev2<-Fillv(3,ev)
This is an .rda file design and response.
An 56 x 7 data frame
Cornell, J. A., Experiments with Mixtures, Third Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2002, pp 361-365.
This function fits mixture models (1)-(4) and mixture process models (5)-(6) described in Lawson and Willden(2015) "Mixture Experiments in R, using mixexp", Journal Statistical Software http://www/jstatsoft.org/, and prints the correct R square and standard errors of model coefficients.
MixModel(frame, response, mixcomps=NULL,model,procvars=NULL)
MixModel(frame, response, mixcomps=NULL,model,procvars=NULL)
frame |
a data frame containing columns with the mixture components, process variables, and responses |
response |
a character variable containing the column name of the response variable in frame to be fit |
mixcomps |
a character vector of column names of the mixture components in frame |
model |
an integer in the range of 1 to 6, indicating the model to be fit:
where |
procvars |
a character vector of column names of the process variables in frame to be included in the model. Leave this out if there are no process variables in the frame |
John S. Lawson [email protected]
1. "John Lawson, Cameron Willden (2016).", "Mixture Experiments in R Using mixexp.", "Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets, 72(2), 1-20.", "doi:10.18637/jss.v072.c02"
# example from Lawson(2014), quadratic model library(daewr) data(pest) mixvars<-c("x1","x2","x3") MixModel(pest,"y",mixvars,2) # example from Myers and Montgomery(2002), special cubic model library(mixexp) etch<-SCD(3) etch<-Fillv(3,etch) etch<-rbind(etch[1:7, ],etch[1:3, ],etch[7, ], etch[etch$x1==2/3, ], etch[etch$x2==2/3, ],etch[etch$x3==2/3, ]) erate<-c(540,330,295,610,425,330,800,560,350,260,850,710,640,460) etch<-cbind(etch,erate) mixvars<-c("x1","x2","x3") response<-c("erate") MixModel(etch,response,mixvars,4) # example Mixture process variable model from Sahni, Pieple and Naes(2009) library(daewr) mixvars<-c("x1","x2","x3") procvars<-c("z1","z2") data(MPV) MixModel(MPV,"y",mixvars,5,procvars) #### Kowalski Cornell and Vining Simplified model on data from Gallant et. al. (2008) data(Burn) testBNM<-MixModel(Burn,"y",mixcomps=c("Course","Fine","Binder"),model=6,procvars=c("z"))
# example from Lawson(2014), quadratic model library(daewr) data(pest) mixvars<-c("x1","x2","x3") MixModel(pest,"y",mixvars,2) # example from Myers and Montgomery(2002), special cubic model library(mixexp) etch<-SCD(3) etch<-Fillv(3,etch) etch<-rbind(etch[1:7, ],etch[1:3, ],etch[7, ], etch[etch$x1==2/3, ], etch[etch$x2==2/3, ],etch[etch$x3==2/3, ]) erate<-c(540,330,295,610,425,330,800,560,350,260,850,710,640,460) etch<-cbind(etch,erate) mixvars<-c("x1","x2","x3") response<-c("erate") MixModel(etch,response,mixvars,4) # example Mixture process variable model from Sahni, Pieple and Naes(2009) library(daewr) mixvars<-c("x1","x2","x3") procvars<-c("z1","z2") data(MPV) MixModel(MPV,"y",mixvars,5,procvars) #### Kowalski Cornell and Vining Simplified model on data from Gallant et. al. (2008) data(Burn) testBNM<-MixModel(Burn,"y",mixcomps=c("Course","Fine","Binder"),model=6,procvars=c("z"))
This function makes contour plots in the simplex mixture space, it also can draw constraint lines and show design points.
MixturePlot(x=NULL,y=NULL,z=NULL,w=NULL,des=NULL, res=400,lims=c(rep(0,6)),color.palette = heat.colors, constrts=FALSE,contrs=TRUE,n.breaks=10,levels=NULL, cols=FALSE, despts=TRUE, mod=NA,x3lab="Fraction X3", x2lab="Fraction X2", x1lab="Fraction X1", corner.labs = NULL, colorkey=list(dx=0.04,x0=0.95,y0=0.45,y1=0.90,add=TRUE,mode="all"), pseudo=FALSE)
MixturePlot(x=NULL,y=NULL,z=NULL,w=NULL,des=NULL, res=400,lims=c(rep(0,6)),color.palette = heat.colors, constrts=FALSE,contrs=TRUE,n.breaks=10,levels=NULL, cols=FALSE, despts=TRUE, mod=NA,x3lab="Fraction X3", x2lab="Fraction X2", x1lab="Fraction X1", corner.labs = NULL, colorkey=list(dx=0.04,x0=0.95,y0=0.45,y1=0.90,add=TRUE,mode="all"), pseudo=FALSE)
x |
x3 locations for known points |
y |
x2 locations for known points |
z |
x1 locations for known points |
w |
y locations for known points |
des |
data frame with x1,x2,x3, and y locations for known points |
res |
number of color blocks between 0 and 1 of x |
lims |
vector of lower and upper constraints for x1,x2,x3 |
color.palette |
is the color palette to use |
constrts |
if TRUE constraints found in lines will be added to the graph |
contrs |
if TRUE contour lines will be added to the graph |
n.breaks |
number of breaks between levels, this is used if levels is not specified |
levels |
vector of contour levels to be plotted |
cols |
if TRUE regions between contour lines will be colored |
despts |
if TRUE plots the design points in data frame des |
mod |
is an indicator for the model 1=linear, 2=quadratic, 4=special cubic. for other Models use the ModelEff function. |
x3lab |
label for the x3 axis |
x2lab |
label for the x2 axis |
x1lab |
label for the x1 axis |
corner.labs |
labels for x3, x2 and x1 vertices |
colorkey |
a list with the location of the color key |
pseudo |
if pseudo=TRUE uses pseudo components to zoom in on constrained region. By default pseudo=FALSE |
John S. Lawson [email protected]
1. Cornell, J. A. Experiments with Mixtures: Models and Analysis of Mixture Data, John Wiley & Sons, New York, third edition, 2002.
2. See R Ternary Level Plot Function http://www.siftp.net/index.shtml
3. "John Lawson, Cameron Willden (2016).", "Mixture Experiments in R Using mixexp.", "Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets, 72(2), 1-20." "doi:10.18637/jss.v072.c02"
##Usage and Examples - Example from page 458 DAE with SAS dat = data.frame( "x1"=c(1,.8,.6,.5,.5,.33333,.3,.3,.1,.1,0,0,0), "x2"=c(0,.1,.2,0,.5,.33333,.2,.5,.1,.8,0,.5,1), "x3"=c(0,.1,.2,.5,0,.33333,.5,.2,.8,.1,1.0,.5,0), "y"=c(48.7,49.5,50.2,52.8,49.3,51.1,52.7,50.3,60.7,49.9,64.9,53.5,50.6) ) MixturePlot(dat$x3,dat$x2,dat$x1,dat$y, x3lab="Fraction x3", x2lab="Fraction x2", x1lab="Fraction x1", corner.labs=c("x3","x2","x1"), constrts=FALSE,contrs=TRUE,cols=TRUE, mod=2,n.breaks=9) # Weed control example from Lawson & Erjavec x1<-c(1,0,0,.5,.5,0,.33333,.33333,.33333) x2<-c(0,1,0,.5,0,.5,.33333,.33333,.33333) x3<-c(0,0,1,0,.5,.5,.33333,.33333,.33333) y<-c(73,68,80,77,86,75,92,93,88) des<-data.frame(x1,x2,x3,y) MixturePlot(des=des,x3lab="Fraction C",x2lab="Fraction B", x1lab="Fraction A",corner.labs=c("C","B","A"),mod=4,n.breaks=5,cols=TRUE)
##Usage and Examples - Example from page 458 DAE with SAS dat = data.frame( "x1"=c(1,.8,.6,.5,.5,.33333,.3,.3,.1,.1,0,0,0), "x2"=c(0,.1,.2,0,.5,.33333,.2,.5,.1,.8,0,.5,1), "x3"=c(0,.1,.2,.5,0,.33333,.5,.2,.8,.1,1.0,.5,0), "y"=c(48.7,49.5,50.2,52.8,49.3,51.1,52.7,50.3,60.7,49.9,64.9,53.5,50.6) ) MixturePlot(dat$x3,dat$x2,dat$x1,dat$y, x3lab="Fraction x3", x2lab="Fraction x2", x1lab="Fraction x1", corner.labs=c("x3","x2","x1"), constrts=FALSE,contrs=TRUE,cols=TRUE, mod=2,n.breaks=9) # Weed control example from Lawson & Erjavec x1<-c(1,0,0,.5,.5,0,.33333,.33333,.33333) x2<-c(0,1,0,.5,0,.5,.33333,.33333,.33333) x3<-c(0,0,1,0,.5,.5,.33333,.33333,.33333) y<-c(73,68,80,77,86,75,92,93,88) des<-data.frame(x1,x2,x3,y) MixturePlot(des=des,x3lab="Fraction C",x2lab="Fraction B", x1lab="Fraction A",corner.labs=c("C","B","A"),mod=4,n.breaks=5,cols=TRUE)
This function makes effect plots using the Cox or Piepel directions in constrained mixture space.
ModelEff(nfac=3,mod=1,nproc=0,dir=1,ufunc=mod,dimensions = list(NULL), pvslice=c(1,1,1),lc=c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), uc=c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1))
ModelEff(nfac=3,mod=1,nproc=0,dir=1,ufunc=mod,dimensions = list(NULL), pvslice=c(1,1,1),lc=c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), uc=c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1))
nfac |
The number of mixture components in the model (a number between 2 and 12) |
mod |
An integer representing the model to be traced: 1 for a linear model, 2 for a quadratic model, and 3 for a cubic model, 4 for a special cubic model, 5 for a mixture process variable model consisting of a full cross of quadratic model in up to 5 mixture components and a linear model in up to 3 process variables, 6 for Kowalski, Cornell and Vining's (2000) more parsimonious model for mixture process variable experiments. See the documentation for the MixModel function for a description of the models. |
nproc |
The number of process variables in the model (a number between 1 and 3 for models 5 and 6) |
dir |
an integer representing the direction for which the effect plot is made: 1 for Piepel direction, 2 for Cox direction. |
ufunc |
A user function, this should an lm object created by the MixModel function. Any lm object will work if the terms are in the same order as the model produced by the MixModel function. |
dimensions |
A vector of names of mixture components in the lm object. |
pvslice |
A vector giving fixed values of the process variables. |
lc |
A vector giving the lower bounds of the mixture components. |
uc |
A vector giving the upper bounds of the mixture components. |
PX |
This is a matrix containing the coordinates of the effect plot traces that are plotted. |
This function calls the function crvtave to get the design centroid from cnvrt.
John S. Lawson [email protected]
1. Piepel, G. F. "Measuring Component Effects in Constrained Mixture Experiments" Technometrics, Vol 25, pp. 97-105, 1982.
2. "John Lawson, Cameron Willden (2016).", "Mixture Experiments in R Using mixexp.", "Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets, 72(2), 1-20.", "doi:10.18637/jss.v072.c02"
3. Kowalski, S. M., Cornell, J. A. and Vining, G. G. "A Model and Class of Designs for Mixture Experiments with Process Variables" Communication in Statistics: Theory and Methods, Vol 29, pp. 2255-2280.
#Example p. 63-65 Cornell (control of Mites) # Four Component Mixture mite<-SCD(4) yavg<-c(1.8,25.4,28.6,38.5,4.9,3.1,28.7,3.4,37.4,10.7,22.0,2.6,2.4, 11.1,0.8) mite<-cbind(mite,yavg) miteSC<-MixModel(mite,"yavg",mixcomps=c("x1","x2","x3","x4"),model=4) ModelEff(nfac=4,mod=4,nproc=0,dir=2,ufunc=miteSC,lc=c(0,0,0,0),uc=c(1,1,1,1)) # Cornell's (2002) Yarn elongation x1<-c(1,1,.5,.5,.5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,.5,.5,.5) x2<-c(0,0,.5,.5,.5,1,1,.5,.5,.5,0,0,0,0,0) x3<-c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,.5,.5,.5,1,1,.5,.5,.5) y<-c(11,12.4,15,14.8,16.1,8.8,10,10,9.7,11.8,16.8,16,17.7,16.4,16.6) elong<-data.frame(x1,x2,x3,y) testQ2<-MixModel(elong,"y",mixcomps=c("x1","x2","x3"),model=2) ModelEff(nfac=3,mod=2,nproc=0,dir=2,ufunc=testQ2,lc=c(0,0,0),uc=c(1,1,1)) #### Kowalski Cornell and Vining Simplified model on data from Gallant et. al. (2008) data(Burn) testBNM<-MixModel(Burn,"y",mixcomps=c("Course","Fine","Binder"),model=6,procvars=c("z")) ModelEff(nfac=3,mod=6,nproc=1,dir=1,ufunc=testBNM,dimensions = list(NULL), pvslice=c(1), lc=c(.403,.166,.130),uc=c(.704,.412,.210)) ModelEff(nfac=3,mod=6,nproc=1,dir=1,ufunc=testBNM,dimensions = list(NULL), pvslice=c(-1), lc=c(.403,.166,.130),uc=c(.704,.412,.210))
#Example p. 63-65 Cornell (control of Mites) # Four Component Mixture mite<-SCD(4) yavg<-c(1.8,25.4,28.6,38.5,4.9,3.1,28.7,3.4,37.4,10.7,22.0,2.6,2.4, 11.1,0.8) mite<-cbind(mite,yavg) miteSC<-MixModel(mite,"yavg",mixcomps=c("x1","x2","x3","x4"),model=4) ModelEff(nfac=4,mod=4,nproc=0,dir=2,ufunc=miteSC,lc=c(0,0,0,0),uc=c(1,1,1,1)) # Cornell's (2002) Yarn elongation x1<-c(1,1,.5,.5,.5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,.5,.5,.5) x2<-c(0,0,.5,.5,.5,1,1,.5,.5,.5,0,0,0,0,0) x3<-c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,.5,.5,.5,1,1,.5,.5,.5) y<-c(11,12.4,15,14.8,16.1,8.8,10,10,9.7,11.8,16.8,16,17.7,16.4,16.6) elong<-data.frame(x1,x2,x3,y) testQ2<-MixModel(elong,"y",mixcomps=c("x1","x2","x3"),model=2) ModelEff(nfac=3,mod=2,nproc=0,dir=2,ufunc=testQ2,lc=c(0,0,0),uc=c(1,1,1)) #### Kowalski Cornell and Vining Simplified model on data from Gallant et. al. (2008) data(Burn) testBNM<-MixModel(Burn,"y",mixcomps=c("Course","Fine","Binder"),model=6,procvars=c("z")) ModelEff(nfac=3,mod=6,nproc=1,dir=1,ufunc=testBNM,dimensions = list(NULL), pvslice=c(1), lc=c(.403,.166,.130),uc=c(.704,.412,.210)) ModelEff(nfac=3,mod=6,nproc=1,dir=1,ufunc=testBNM,dimensions = list(NULL), pvslice=c(-1), lc=c(.403,.166,.130),uc=c(.704,.412,.210))
This function makes contour plots in the simplex mixture space. It also can draw constraint lines and zoom in on pseudo component region.
ModelPlot(model=NULL,user.func = NULL, dimensions = list(x1=NULL,x2=NULL,x3=NULL), slice=NULL,lims=rep(0,6), constraints = FALSE, constraint.pars = list(lty=2,lwd=2), contour = FALSE, contour.pars = list(lwd=0.5,cex.lab=1.3), cuts = 10,at = NULL, res=300, pseudo=FALSE, fill=FALSE, color.palette = heat.colors, main=NULL, axislabs=c("Fraction X1","Fraction X2","Fraction X3"), axislab.pars = list(), axislab.offset=0, cornerlabs = c("X1", "X2", "X3"), cornerlab.pars = list(), grid=TRUE, grid.pars = list(col='darkgrey',lty=3,lwd=0.5), colorkey = FALSE, labels=TRUE, label.style="align", ...)
ModelPlot(model=NULL,user.func = NULL, dimensions = list(x1=NULL,x2=NULL,x3=NULL), slice=NULL,lims=rep(0,6), constraints = FALSE, constraint.pars = list(lty=2,lwd=2), contour = FALSE, contour.pars = list(lwd=0.5,cex.lab=1.3), cuts = 10,at = NULL, res=300, pseudo=FALSE, fill=FALSE, color.palette = heat.colors, main=NULL, axislabs=c("Fraction X1","Fraction X2","Fraction X3"), axislab.pars = list(), axislab.offset=0, cornerlabs = c("X1", "X2", "X3"), cornerlab.pars = list(), grid=TRUE, grid.pars = list(col='darkgrey',lty=3,lwd=0.5), colorkey = FALSE, labels=TRUE, label.style="align", ...)
model |
an lm object, MixModel object, or any other model object that is compatible with the predict function, which is the mixture model to be plotted. |
user.func |
function supplied by the user that takes as arguments a dataframe called 'grid' and returns the predictions. This argument has been deprecated in favor of the model argument. Typically, this will be a wrapper function for predict() (e.g. predict(model,newdata=grid)). Additional arguments for user.func can be passed using the ellipsis argument for ModelPlot. Overrides model argument if both are specified. |
dimensions |
list argument that specifies the mixture variables to be plotted on the ternary plot. Values must correspond to variable names from the user-supplied model. |
slice |
list argument that specifies the value of fixed mixture components. |
lims |
vector of lower and upper constraints for ternary plot components (TopLower, TopUpper, LeftLower, LeftUpper, RightLower, RightUpper). |
constraints |
if TRUE constraints found in lims will be added to the graph. |
constraint.pars |
list of graphical parameters controlling the appearance of the constraint lines. |
contour |
if TRUE contour lines will be added to the graph. |
contour.pars |
list of graphical parameters controlling the appearance of the contour lines. |
cuts |
number of breaks between levels (used for contours if 'at' not specified). |
at |
list of contour levels (e.g. at=c(1,3,5,10) will draw contours at those heights). Overrides cuts argument. |
res |
resolution of the grid. Corresponds to number equally spaced values along the baseline of the simplex. |
pseudo |
if TRUE uses pseudo components to zoom in on constrained region. Will create the smallest equilateral triangle that still contains the whole constrained region. |
fill |
if TRUE regions between contour lines will be colored. |
color.palette |
is the color palette to use. |
main |
character value for main title or list containing character value and graphical parameters (e.g. main=list("main title",cex=2)). |
axislabs |
character vector of axis labels for ternary components. |
axislab.pars |
list of graphical parameters controlling the appearance of the axislabels. |
axislab.offset |
numeric value that creates or eliminates space between the angled axislabels and the tickmarks. Prevents axis labels from overlapping with tickmarks. Typically, absolute value would not exceed 0.05. |
cornerlabs |
character vector of corner labels for x1, x2 and x3 vertices. |
cornerlab.pars |
list of graphical parameters controlling the appearance of the axis labels. |
grid |
logical argument. If true, adds gridlines to the ternary plot. |
grid.pars |
list of graphical parameters controlling the appearance of the gridlines. |
colorkey |
logical or list of parameters. See levelplot documentation for more details. |
labels |
logical argument. If true, labels contour lines. |
label.style |
controls placement of contour labels. Choose from "mixed","flat", or "align." See panel.levelplot documentation for more details. |
... |
additional arguments passed to user.func |
Cameron Willden [email protected]
1. Cornell, J. A. Experiments with Mixtures: Models and Analysis of Mixture Data, John Wiley & Sons, New York, third edition, 2002.
2. See R Ternary Level Plot Function http://www.siftp.net/index.shtml
3. "John Lawson, Cameron Willden (2016).", "Mixture Experiments in R Using mixexp.", "Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets, 72(2), 1-20.", "doi:10.18637/jss.v072.c02"
# Cornell's (2002) Yarn elongation x1<-c(1,1,.5,.5,.5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,.5,.5,.5) x2<-c(0,0,.5,.5,.5,1,1,.5,.5,.5,0,0,0,0,0) x3<-c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,.5,.5,.5,1,1,.5,.5,.5) y<-c(11,12.4,15,14.8,16.1,8.8,10,10,9.7,11.8,16.8,16,17.7,16.4,16.6) elong<-data.frame(x1,x2,x3,y) testQ<-lm(y~-1+x1+x2+x3+x1:x2+x1:x3+x2:x3,data=elong) ModelPlot(model = testQ,dimensions = list(x1="x1",x2="x2",x3="x3"), main="Thread Elongation",constraints=FALSE,contour=TRUE, at=c(12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17),fill=FALSE, axislabs=c("X1", "X2", "X3"), cornerlabs = c("X1", "X2", "X3"),pseudo=FALSE) # Cornells famous fish patty experiment data(fishp) fishmod2<-MixModel(fishp, "y", mixcomps=c("x1","x2","x3"),model=5,procvars=c("z1","z2","z3")) ModelPlot(fishmod2,dimensions = list(x1="x1",x2="x2",x3="x3"), slice = list(process.vars=c(z1=-1, z2=-1, z3=-1)), main="z1=-1, z2=-1, z3=-1", constraints=FALSE,contour=TRUE,cuts=10,fill=FALSE, axislabs=c("Fraction X1","Fraction X2","Fraction X3"), cornerlabs = c("X1", "X2", "X3"),pseudo=FALSE) #### Kowalski Cornell and Vining Simplified model on data from Gallant et. al. (2008) data(Burn) testBNM<-MixModel(Burn,"y",mixcomps=c("Course","Fine","Binder"),model=6,procvars=c("z")) ModelPlot(testBNM,dimensions = list(x1="Course",x2="Fine",x3="Binder"), slice = list(process.vars=c(z=1)), lims=c(.403,.704,.166,.467,.130,.431), main="z=1", constraints=TRUE,contour=TRUE,cuts=5,fill=FALSE, axislabs=c("Fraction Course","Fraction Fine","Fraction Binder"), cornerlabs = c("Course", "Fine", "Binder"),pseudo=TRUE) ModelPlot(testBNM,dimensions = list(x1="Course",x2="Fine",x3="Binder"), slice = list(process.vars=c(z=-1)), lims=c(.403,.704,.166,.467,.130,.431),main="z=-1", constraints=TRUE,contour=TRUE,cuts=5,fill=FALSE, axislabs=c("Fraction Course","Fraction Fine","Fraction Binder"), cornerlabs = c("Course", "Fine", "Binder"),pseudo=TRUE)
# Cornell's (2002) Yarn elongation x1<-c(1,1,.5,.5,.5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,.5,.5,.5) x2<-c(0,0,.5,.5,.5,1,1,.5,.5,.5,0,0,0,0,0) x3<-c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,.5,.5,.5,1,1,.5,.5,.5) y<-c(11,12.4,15,14.8,16.1,8.8,10,10,9.7,11.8,16.8,16,17.7,16.4,16.6) elong<-data.frame(x1,x2,x3,y) testQ<-lm(y~-1+x1+x2+x3+x1:x2+x1:x3+x2:x3,data=elong) ModelPlot(model = testQ,dimensions = list(x1="x1",x2="x2",x3="x3"), main="Thread Elongation",constraints=FALSE,contour=TRUE, at=c(12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17),fill=FALSE, axislabs=c("X1", "X2", "X3"), cornerlabs = c("X1", "X2", "X3"),pseudo=FALSE) # Cornells famous fish patty experiment data(fishp) fishmod2<-MixModel(fishp, "y", mixcomps=c("x1","x2","x3"),model=5,procvars=c("z1","z2","z3")) ModelPlot(fishmod2,dimensions = list(x1="x1",x2="x2",x3="x3"), slice = list(process.vars=c(z1=-1, z2=-1, z3=-1)), main="z1=-1, z2=-1, z3=-1", constraints=FALSE,contour=TRUE,cuts=10,fill=FALSE, axislabs=c("Fraction X1","Fraction X2","Fraction X3"), cornerlabs = c("X1", "X2", "X3"),pseudo=FALSE) #### Kowalski Cornell and Vining Simplified model on data from Gallant et. al. (2008) data(Burn) testBNM<-MixModel(Burn,"y",mixcomps=c("Course","Fine","Binder"),model=6,procvars=c("z")) ModelPlot(testBNM,dimensions = list(x1="Course",x2="Fine",x3="Binder"), slice = list(process.vars=c(z=1)), lims=c(.403,.704,.166,.467,.130,.431), main="z=1", constraints=TRUE,contour=TRUE,cuts=5,fill=FALSE, axislabs=c("Fraction Course","Fraction Fine","Fraction Binder"), cornerlabs = c("Course", "Fine", "Binder"),pseudo=TRUE) ModelPlot(testBNM,dimensions = list(x1="Course",x2="Fine",x3="Binder"), slice = list(process.vars=c(z=-1)), lims=c(.403,.704,.166,.467,.130,.431),main="z=-1", constraints=TRUE,contour=TRUE,cuts=5,fill=FALSE, axislabs=c("Fraction Course","Fraction Fine","Fraction Binder"), cornerlabs = c("Course", "Fine", "Binder"),pseudo=TRUE)
This function loads and runs the compiled fortran code cnvrt. cnvrt is Piepel's 1988 JQT fortran code for extreme vertices designs.
ndm |
This is the order of centroids desired (0=none, 1=edge centroids, 2=face centroids etc.) |
nvrr |
This is the number of mixture variables ( maximum is 12) |
ncon2 |
This is the number of constraints (maximum is 45) |
rtheta2 |
This is the constraint matrix stored as a vector of columns. |
nvrtr |
This is the number of rows in rxvt the matrix of extreme vertices and centroids |
This function is called by the function crtave.
John S. Lawson [email protected]
1. Piepel, G. F. "Programs for Generating Extreme Vertices and Centroids of Linearly Consrtained Experimental Regions" Journal of Quality Technology, Vol 20, No. 2, pp. 125-139, 1988.
This function creates simplex centroid designs in unconstrained mixture experiment space.
fac |
This is the number of factors |
SC |
This is a data frame containing the simplex centroid design. The columns are labeled x1, x2 ...xn, where n is the number of mixture variables. |
John S. Lawson [email protected]
1. Cornell, J. A. Experiments with Mixtures: Models and Analysis of Mixture Data, John Wiley & Sons, New York, third edition, 2002.
2. "John Lawson, Cameron Willden (2016).", "Mixture Experiments in R Using mixexp.", "Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets, 72(2), 1-20.", "doi:10.18637/jss.v072.c02"
SCD(3) des<-SCD(5) des<-SCD(12)
SCD(3) des<-SCD(5) des<-SCD(12)
This function creates simplex lattice designs in unconstrained mixture experiment space.
SLD(fac, lev)
SLD(fac, lev)
fac |
This is the number of factors, this must be between 2 and 12 |
lev |
This is the number of levels, this must be between 2, and 5. |
SL |
This is a data frame containing the simplex lattice design. The columns are labeled x1, x2 ...xn, where n is the number of mixture variables. |
John S. Lawson [email protected]
1. Cornell, J. A. Experiments with Mixtures: Models and Analysis of Mixture Data, John Wiley \& Sons, New York, third edition, 2002.
2. "John Lawson, Cameron Willden (2016).", "Mixture Experiments in R Using mixexp.", "Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets, 72(2), 1-20.", "doi:10.18637/jss.v072.c02"
des<-SLD(3,2) des<-SLD(4,3)
des<-SLD(3,2) des<-SLD(4,3)
This is an .rda file design and response.
An 16 x 9 data frame
Snee, D. D. and Marquardt D. W. (1976) Screening Concepts and designs for experiments with mixtures, Technometrics, Vol. 18, pp 19-29.
This function loads and runs the compiled fortran code cnvrt. cnvrt is Piepel's 1988 JQT fortran code for extreme vertices designs.
ndm |
This is the order of centroids desired (0=none, 1=edge centroids, 2=face centroids etc.) |
nvrr |
This is the number of mixture variables ( maximum is 12) |
ncon2 |
This is the number of constraints (maximum is 45) |
rtheta2 |
This is the constraint matrix stored as a vector of columns. |
rxvt |
This is the matrix of vertices and centroids stored as a vector of columns. |
This function is called by the function crtave.
John S. Lawson [email protected]
1. Piepel, G. F. "Programs for Generating Extreme Vertices and Centroids of Linearly Consrtained Experimental Regions" Journal of Quality Technology, Vol 20, No. 2, pp. 125-139, 1988.
This function calls the function crvtave to create an extreme vertices design in a constrained mixture space. If there are only three factors the function DesignPoints is called to plot the results.
Xvert(nfac=3,uc=c(0,0),lc=c(0,0),nlc=0,lb=c(0,0),ub=c(0,0),coef,ndm=0,plot=TRUE, cornerlabs = c("x1","x2","x3"), axislabs = c("x1","x2","x3"), pseudo=TRUE)
Xvert(nfac=3,uc=c(0,0),lc=c(0,0),nlc=0,lb=c(0,0),ub=c(0,0),coef,ndm=0,plot=TRUE, cornerlabs = c("x1","x2","x3"), axislabs = c("x1","x2","x3"), pseudo=TRUE)
nfac |
an integer representing the number of mixture variables in the design. Maximum nfac=12 |
uc |
a vector of length nfac containing upper constraints on each mixture component |
lc |
a vector of length nfac containing lower constraints on each mixture component |
nlc |
the number of linear constraints, the default is zero |
lb |
a vector of length nlc containing the lower bounds for the linear constraints |
ub |
a vector of length nlc containing the upper bounds for the linear constraints |
coef |
an nlc by nfac matrix containing the coefficients of the components of the linear constraints |
ndm |
an integer representing the highest order of centroids requested. An overall centroid is always included, 0 indicates no other centroids will be created, 1 indicates edge centroids are requested, etc. |
plot |
a logical variable indicating whether a plot of the design is desired when there are only 3 components. Default is TRUE |
cornerlabs |
This is a vector of text labels for the x1, x2 and x3 vertices. Use when there are only 3 components for plotting. |
axislabs |
This is a vector of text labels for the x1, x2 and x3 axis. Use when there are only 3 components for plotting. |
pseudo |
logical variable, when TRUE plot in pseudo component space when there are lower constraints. |
This function calls crvtave. If the number of factors is 3, the function DesignPoints is called to graph the results.
John S. Lawson [email protected]
1. Piepel, G. F. "Programs for Generating Extreme Vertices and Centroids of Linearly Consrtained Experimental Regions" Journal of Quality Technology, Vol 20, No. 2, pp. 125-139, 1988.
2. "John Lawson, Cameron Willden (2016).", "Mixture Experiments in R Using mixexp.", "Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets, 72(2), 1-20.", "doi:10.18637/jss.v072.c02"
# Polvoron Example from Lawson des<-Xvert(3,uc=c(.8,.95,.50),lc=c(0,.10,.05),ndm=1,plot=FALSE) #Snee Marquardt(1976) example Xvert(8,uc=c(.45,.50,.10,.4,.6,.2,.05,.05),lc=c(.1,.05,0,0,.1,.05,0,0),ndm=0) # Example page 465 exvert<-Xvert(4,uc=c(.188,.128,.438,.438),lc=c(.124,.064,.374,.374),ndm=2) # Example from Piepel 1988 coef<-matrix(c(.85,.9,1,.7,0,1),ncol=3,byrow=TRUE) des<-Xvert(3,lc=c(.1,.1,0),uc=c(.5,.7,.7),nlc=2,lb=c(.9,.4),ub=c(.95,0),coef,ndm=1,plot=FALSE)
# Polvoron Example from Lawson des<-Xvert(3,uc=c(.8,.95,.50),lc=c(0,.10,.05),ndm=1,plot=FALSE) #Snee Marquardt(1976) example Xvert(8,uc=c(.45,.50,.10,.4,.6,.2,.05,.05),lc=c(.1,.05,0,0,.1,.05,0,0),ndm=0) # Example page 465 exvert<-Xvert(4,uc=c(.188,.128,.438,.438),lc=c(.124,.064,.374,.374),ndm=2) # Example from Piepel 1988 coef<-matrix(c(.85,.9,1,.7,0,1),ncol=3,byrow=TRUE) des<-Xvert(3,lc=c(.1,.1,0),uc=c(.5,.7,.7),nlc=2,lb=c(.9,.4),ub=c(.95,0),coef,ndm=1,plot=FALSE)